Professional, Compassionate,

Fun and Relaxed.


Body, Breath, Balance

Professional, Compassionate,

Fun and Relaxed


Tracey Drake Yoga Logo
Body, Breath, Balance

Professional, Compassionate,

Fun and Relaxed


"The classes I offer are not about striving for the perfect pose but accepting what you can do today. Acknowledging that we are all unique, you are guided to find shapes that work best for your body."

~ Tracey ~

Class Schedule at a Glance

Monday, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Yin Yoga

Live online and recorded.

Weds 2:00 - 2:45 p.m.

Chair/Gentle Yoga

Live Online and recorded

Weds, 5:30 - 6:45 p.m.

Yin/Yang Yoga

In-Person Resumes in Lakefield

May 1, 2024

Thursday, 7:30 - 8:15 a.m.

Hatha Yoga

Live online and recorded.

Live Online Classes via Zoom

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to wellness and vitality? I welcome you to my cozy corner of the internet, where yoga mats meet virtual hugs, and inner peace is just a breath away.

Functional Yoga for people who want to feel better in their bodies.

My passion is to help you help yourself to better health and wellness.

"Motion is Lotion"

Functional Yoga for people who want to feel better in their bodies.

Two Weeks of Bliss....For Free!

That's right, you heard it here first! Get ready to dip your toes (or should I say stretch your limbs?) into the world of online yoga with a complimentary two-week trial. No strings attached, just pure yoga goodness waiting for you to dive in!

Live Online Classes via Zoom

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey to wellness and vitality? I welcome you to my cozy corner of the internet, where yoga mats meet virtual hugs, and inner peace is just a breath away.

My passion is to help you help yourself to better health and wellness.

"Motion is Lotion"

Two Weeks of Bliss....For Free!

That's right, you heard it here first! Get ready to dip your toes (or should I say stretch your limbs?) into the world of online yoga with a complimentary two-week trial. No strings attached, just pure yoga goodness waiting for you to dive in!

Improve Your Mobility and Flexibility with Yin Yoga.

As we age and enter the “yin” stage of life. Around 40, our bones and joints begin to degenerate. We become stiffer and less pliable and more prone to aches and pains. The type of yoga I teach, helps to combat this process. It targets important structural tissues in the body and "exercises" them in a different way, so we can maintain stability and mobility, and continue to take part in other forms of exercise like running, cycling, swimming, walking, etc.  leading to an active, balanced, healthy lifestyle and for you to be "age-perfect." 

If you’re wanting to be the next model on the cover of a yoga magazine or master the “perfect” pose in an Instagram shot, the yoga I teach will not be for you. If your goal is to improve mobility and flexibility, help lower back pain, or learn tools to help support your mental well-being, then I can help you. That is the basis of the yoga I teach. The people who attend my classes want to be active and vital. A regular yoga practice helps them continue, or resume, the activities they love to do.

“Thank you for the wonderful class tonight. I felt so comfortable joining and the class was fantastic!” Heather S.

Now in my mid-fifties I know that my own evolving yoga practice helps me to maintain flexibility and strength, manage old riding and athletics injuries and remain calm and centered to deal with life’s ups and downs and, to work with horses (my other job). My own yoga practice and therefore my teaching of yoga has become more intentional and contemplative, with a focus on function, not form,  that is beneficial for all regardless of experience and goals.

Tracey Drake Yoga Instructor
Tracey Drake E-RYT

1000's of hours and counting, of training.

More About Tracey


“Attending Tracey's yoga classes has helped me with pain relief and I no-longer need to take Advil everyday.”

“If I don’t practice [yoga] I become irritable and short with people. I have noticed that if I do Tracey’s 30 minute Move and Meditate class on Wednesday mornings I feel calmer at work.”

“One of Tracey's 60 minute recorded online yin yoga classes a week, with maybe two shorter ones keep me happy. You are the best!”

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Let's chat.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please use the form below to contact Tracey.

Thank you for contacting Tracey Drake Yoga.

We will get back to you very shortly!

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